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Wednesday, July 19, 2017


oil on linen on board / 6" x 6" / unframed / $90


: a round, sweet fruit that has white or yellow flesh, soft yellow or pink skin, and a large, hard seed at the center; a person or thing that is liked or admired very much.

Each of us yearns to be liked, admired, and loved very much.

God loves us with an everlasting love. We can't escape Him. We're always in His thoughts...even in our worst moments He wants to know what's on our minds and hearts. He knows each of our inner workings even before we live them out. How can we ever say no to such love.

Psalm 139 says He loves us so much that a book has been written about us! Find out about His love for us and what's in His book about us. Come into a relationship with the One who created you and loves you very much.

Peach: a round, sweet fruit that has white or yellow flesh, soft yellow or pink skin, and a large, hard seed at the center; a person or thing that is liked or admired very much.

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