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Friday, July 15, 2011

Red Onion

oil on linen panel/ 6x6"/ unframed / sold

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How this painting looks framed:
I enjoyed painting this red onion as much as I like to use red onions in my cooking. Red onions add a natural sweetness to any recipe that calls for an onion. Its vibrant red-purple also adds a touch of color to salads.

The challenge was to make the red-purple vibrant and distinctively separate from the shadow. I wanted to keep your eyes on the light (the lit) part of the onion. To accomplish these two goals, I mixed alizarin crimson (a purple red) with cadmium orange light (an orange) to paint the lit part of the onion. To add dimension and to hold your eye, I then added the white highlight with a touch of ultramarine blue (to help it look extra white against the warm red-purple.

I hope you enjoy viewing this red onion as much as I enjoyed painting it. Now maybe I'll add some red onion to my curry chicken salad.


Paul Coventry-Brown said...

I love the texture and brushwork, I wish I could be freer in my style but I think it takes a lot more confidence :-) I like Leffel too and have a book and DVD of his, you were very lucky to have the chance to be taught by him .... I am so jealous!
Thanks for stopping by my blog :-)

Dillon Masters said...

That's a very nice painting! Almost good enough to eat (if you like onions).

Jamie said...

Love onions and red are a favorite of mine in a salad.
I like how the skin shines as it naturally would.

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