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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Bowl Of Cherries

oil on linen panel, 7x5"/ unframed / sold

How this painting will look framed: 

This painting was a challenge and pleasure to paint. I enjoyed working on the reflections on the bottle. I've been learning a great deal about reflections. As in painting reflected light, reflections should be the same value (lightness/darkness of a color) as the value of the bottle (object) and not lighter than the lightest light on the bottle (object). To check to see if I've accomplished this, I squinted my eyes. The reflection should blend in with the rest of the bottle (object) or close to blending in with the bottle (object). When painted just right, the reflections appear to be floating on the surface of the object. They add life to the object. In alla prima painting, the proper value is painted without repainting over the first layer. In classical painting, the reflection is actually floated onto the surface of the object with thinned opaque paint after the original layer has dried. This is called scumbling. 

To enhance your viewing pleasure of Bowl of Cherries, may I suggest pairing it with my recipe, Raw Cherry Pie featured in my food and wellness blog.

1 comment:

Dillon Masters said...

Lovely painting and your blog looks great!

Portrait of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Steno and Family

oil on canvas / 20" x 16" / NFS DPW This portrait was commissioned by Mr. and Mrs. Rex Steno for their son...